
A self-made database-explorer to control many databases at once easily
Hibernate Plugin

Hibernate Plugin

Table-Transfer Tool

Table-Transfer Tool

Why a new Database Explorer?

The idea behind the Database-Explorer is to have a customizable and good-looking program to control different database systems.

The history behind the Database Explorer

It started as I used the H2 database for my work. The Web control which comes with the H2 database was not enough for me and so I decided to make my own one.

But I wanted to have a tool for more than just the H2 database.

In the first version I used SWT/JFace as a Rich-Client-Application for the UI, but after about 2 years I decided to switch to JavaFX.

This makes it possible to customize the whole application by using CSS-Stylesheets and makes the UI programming very easy and powerful.

Are you interested in Database Explorer?

Feel free to contact me at: teichert.christopher@yahoo.de